Excel Keys that helps you in using/accessing excel without mouse

Particluars Shortcuts
Create new Excel File Ctrl N
Create New Sheet Shift F11
Move Between Sheets Clockwise Ctrl PageDown
Move Between Sheets Anti-Clockwise Ctrl PageUp
Move between opened Excel Workbooks Ctrl Tab
Undo Ctrl Z
Redo Ctrl Y
Save Ctrl S
Save As F12
Insert Table Ctrl L
Zoom In Ctrl Alt +
Zoom Out Ctrl Alt -
Hide/Unhide the Toolbar Ctrl F1
Right-Clicking Menu Shift F10
Display Control Menu Alt SpaceBar
Close Excel File Ctrl F4
Switch the Fn mode Fn Esc
Go to Cell A1 Ctrl Home
Go to Last Cell of Data Ctrl End
Select Whole Continuos Range Ctrl A
Select Column Ctrl SpaceBar
Select Row Shift SpaceBar
Delete Selected Cell Ctrl -
insert Selected Cell Ctrl +
Move within Selection ClockWise Tab
Move within Selection Anti-ClockWise Shift Tab
Open "Go To" Window F5
Open Name Manager Ctrl F3
Go to Linked Cell Ctrl [
Fill Down Ctrl D
Fill Right Ctrl R
Show / Edit Cell Formula F2
Paste Special Ctrl Alt V
Paste Only Formula Ctrl Alt V F
Paste Only Format Ctrl Alt V T
Paste Only Value Ctrl Alt V V
Paste Only Widths Ctrl Alt V W
Paste Transpose Ctrl Alt V E
Paste Link Ctrl Alt V L
StrikeThrough / Cross Text Ctrl 5
Repeat Previous Action F4
Format As Percent Ctrl Shift %
Format As General Ctrl Shift ~
Format As Currency Ctrl Shift $
Open Format Cell Window Ctrl 1
Auto Sum / Sub Total Alt =
Show all Formula Ctrl ~
Insert / Show Comment Shift F2
Delect Comment Shift F2 Esc Delete
Change Font Alt H F F
Change Font Size Alt H F S
Edit Border Alt H B
Central Alignment Alt H A C
Align left Alt H A L
Align Right Alt H A R
Go to Conditional Formatting Alt H L
AutoFit Column Width Alt H O I
Customize Column Width Alt H O W
AutoFit Row Height Alt H O A
Customize Row Height Alt H O H
Hide Rows Alt H O U R
Hide Column Alt H O U C
Hide Sheet Alt H O U S
Unhide Row Alt H O U O
Unhide Column Alt H O U L
Unhide Sheet Alt H O U H
Rename Sheet Alt H O R
Sort Alt A S S
Filter Alt A T
Text to Column Alt A E
Page Break Preview Alt W I
Normal View Alt W L
Freeze Top Row Alt W F R
Freeze Top Column Alt W F C
UnFreeze Sheet Alt W F F
Start / Stop recording Macros Alt L R
Go to Macro Dialog Box Alt F8
Insert Pivot Table Alt N V


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